
Imprint / provider identification

Hamacher Transporte
Dürener Spedition GmbH & Co. KG

Neue Straße 21
D-52382 Niederzier
Tel.:  + 49 (0 24 28) 94 40-0
Fax:  + 49 (0 24 28) 94 40-20

Managing Directors
Andreas Hamacher

Commercial Registry Düren HRA 2302 – Headquartered in Niederzier

Tax number according to §27a UStG: 207 / 5807 / 0331

VAT identification number

Responsible for the purposes of §10 Abs. 3 MDSt
Andreas Hamacher
Neue Straße 21
D-52382 Niederzier

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Website programming:
TSCHAIKA Marketingkommunikation from Aachen/Germany

– Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland: Supporter of United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest initiative for responsible corporate governance
– Cefic: Member of the European Chemical Industry Association
– AEO (Authorized Economic Operator): Certified as Authorised Economic Operator with facilitations in EU customs law
– BGL: Member of the Federal Association of Road Haulage, Logistics and Waste Management
– VVWL NRW: Member of the Transport Industry and Logistics Association of North Rhine-Westphalia